Talks from 2011

Tech over Coffee talks - Cypress Gardens Retirement Community

From 31 March 2022 at the Cypress Gardens Retirement Community

Our Tech over Coffee classes discuss how to use mobile phones productively and touch on major information technology developments that affect everyday life

Site: Tech over Coffee

Computing - a journey through work and life

27 November 2018, Bloke's Lounge, Burleigh Waters, Gold Coast

I was asked to speak on my choice of topic, and naturally recounted how my life and work came to revolve around computing as it still does today.

Resources: slides

The Cloud and You MOOC and eBook

21 March 2015, Barcamp Gold Coast 11, Coomera TAFE

I gave an overview of creating The Cloud and You MOOC on Udemy and showed the revenue such as it was to March 2015. Then I explained the genesis of the Kindle book and the tools I eventually used to create that online.

Experiences with MOOCs: Challenges and Opportunities

5 April 2013, Faculty of Business, Bond University

I review the current state and trends in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that are available in considerable numbers from elite higher education institutions and private for-profit providers. I detail my own experiences as a student on several MOOCs over the past 18 months and comment upon the pedagogical aspects that appeared to work well or proved to be stumbling blocks. Some technology platforms for building MOOCs are surveyed with a view to allow existing academic staff to offer their own MOOCs. The talk concludes with a discussion of whether there is a place for MOOCs within traditional higher education and how they might benefit or supplement the offerings of an institution like Bond.

Resources: screencast (YouTube), slides (SpeakerDeck), slides (Slideshare)

Activity 25 Reflecting on Openness: Open Education #h817open

10 May 2013, online

My reflections on openness video for activity 25 for the Open Education MOOC #h817open instructed by Martin Weller for the Open University UK.

Resources: screencast (YouTube), slides (SpeakerDeck), slides (Slideshare)

Barcamp Gold Coast 9: MOOCs March On

18 August 2012, Gold Coast TechSpace

An update on the staggering progress of Massive Open Online Courses and my own experience to date.

Resources: Slides

Barcamp Gold Coast 8: Messing with MOOCs

3 June 2012, Gold Coast TechSpace

My thoughts and experiences with Massive Open Online Courses from Udacity and Coursera

Resources: Slides

Personal Comments: IS University Engagement Workshop

28 January 2011, Bond University

A screencast of some personal comments on services provided by IS as input to the workshop discussions.